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Camps of Grodno are waiting for your children! 

Head of the department: Bulak Natalia Vasilyevna, tel. (01564) 24458.

Secretary: Zueva Natalia Vladimirovna, tel. (01564) 24258.

Address: 231940, Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, urban settlement Zelva St., September 17, 29, tel./fax: (01564) 24258.

Site: www.roozelva.grodno.by

E-mail: zelva_ROO@mail.grodno.by

District Education Network

Grammar school - 1

High Schools - 6

Complexes kindergarten-secondary school - 1

Kindergarten - basic school - 2

Sanatorium boarding school - 1

Kindergarten-primary school - 2

Center for Children and Youth - 1

Center for Correction and Development Training and Rehabilitation –1

Socio-pedagogical center - 1

Zelva District Health Camp - 1

Preschool child development centers - 2

Kindergartens – 3

Sports facilities:

Children and Youth Sports School - 1

Sports and fitness sports center - 1.

Human resources capacity of general secondary education institutions

Total pedagogical workers - 293, of which:

with higher education - 272 (92.8%)

with the average special - 21 (7.2%)

with secondary education - 0 (0%)

with the highest qualification category - 234 (79.9%)

with qualification category I - 120 (40.9%)

with the second qualification category - 27 (9.2%)

without category - 32 (10.9%).

In the 2018/2019 school year, 1373 students study in schools and gymnasiums of the district. Open 12 first grades with a total of 116 students.

The average grade mark for the 4th quarter of the 2018/2019 school year was 7.44, annual - 7.46. All institutions of general secondary education have an information retrieval system for management activities, Internet access, and their own information resource (website).

All needed preschoolers and schoolchildren are brought to places of study and back.

Conditions have been created in the district to ensure nutrition for children. Coverage of hot meals to students in the district is 100%, including students in urban schools - 100%.

The institution of additional education for children and youth, the Center for the Creativity of Children and Youth in the town of Zelva, contributes to the quality organization of leisure activities of students.

The system of social protection of children is built in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Rights of the Child”. In Zelva there is a state educational institution “Zelva District Social and Pedagogical Center”, which deals with the issues of temporary residence of children in difficult life situations.

Created and developed a network of special education. All children with peculiar psychophysical development are covered by special correctional and educational services. For education and upbringing of children with peculiar psychophysical development there is a state educational institution “Center for Correctional and Developmental Education and Rehabilitation Zelva ”, as well as a special group and groups of integrated training and education, a special class and classes of integrated training and education. To provide correctional assistance in the gardens and schools of the district, 13 points of correctional and pedagogical assistance, 20 classes of integrated training and education, 4 groups of integrated training and education and upbringing, 6 students receive special education at home.

In institutions of preschool education of the district 427 children are trained and brought up. The coverage by public education of children of preschool age from 3 to 6 years was 94.7%, children of 5 years of age - 100%. All institutions of pre-school education are Belarusian-speaking, the educational process is organized according to the curriculum of pre-school education, and 87 teachers work on it, of which 59 (67.8%) have higher education, 28 (32.2%) have secondary education.

Considerable work is being done to strengthen and develop the functional capabilities of the child’s body. The absence of children due to illness per child in 2018 was 2.56 days.

© Zelva Regional Executive Committee, 2024.